Lights-Out for Windows 7, 8 and Windows Server
First time configuration

Basic configuration required for the Mac Agent.


After installation a new icon is displayed in the status item area: 


Click on the icon to open the menu, and then select Preferences to configure the agent: 



The communication between Windows 7, 8 or 10 "Home Server" and agent is based on a web service which requires a user with remote access rights. This user has been configured in the Prerequisites section. 


Enter server name (1), user name (3) and password (4), then click on Test connection. Your Windows 7, 8 or 10 "Home Server" should be up and running for the test to succeed! 




A red cross indicates a failed authentication or server error. The actual error code is shown below the button. In that case please verify user name and password: 


A yellow warning symbol shows additional information on the bottom. This may happen if the user and password is correct but the user is NOT configured for remote access. To fix that please read section Prerequisites


Note: You can’t use Administrator as user name!

Copyright (c) Martin Rothschink, AxoNet Software GmbH 2008-2015
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